S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings  Oil on linen
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 2
Installation view at Maryland Institute College of Art, Decker Gallery
Oil on linen
50 x 38 inches each
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 4
Pheasant Under a Plate of Lemons

Private Collection

S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 6
Savant on the lunar surface, after Cranach
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 8

S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 10
Puzzle in the Shape of a Turkey Vulture

Francis Greenburger Collection
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 12
Solitary Voyages and Swimming Underwater

S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 14
Post-diluvian Crisis
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 16
The Flesh of Tender Balances

S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings  Oil on linen
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 18
Duck with Dandelion
Oil on linen
50 x 38 inches

Private Collection
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 20
Mystery and Melancholy of the Late Afternoon Sky

S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 22
Desire of the Self-Conscious
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 24
Hunger of Imaginary Creatures

S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 26
From Water
S U E   J O H N S O N The Cabinet Paintings
Paintings (selected 1984-2000) ,  article artwork image 28
Passenger Pigeon on a Stump